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Ažurirajte PreglednikPlanirate investiciju? Onda iznajmite, ne kupujte. Štedite svoju likvidnost i možete financirati svoju kupnju kroz fleksibilno razdoblje uz nisku mjesečnu naknadu.
Iskoristite tehnički napredak i investirajte
Sa ALBIS Leasing Group, GGM Gastro International GmbH uz sebe ima partnera za financiranje koji za svoje klijente stvara koncepte iznajmljivanja koji su kompetentno i pošteno prilagođeni.
The ALBIS Leasing Group has been successfully operating on the leasing market with its leasing and service concepts for over 35 years. Thanks to its industry-related financing know-how and its customer-oriented leasing solutions, the Hamburg-based group is one of the TOP leasing companies in Germany. In the areas of capital goods and sales leasing, the manufacturer-independent ALBIS Leasing Group offers medium-sized companies for numerous product groups such as LED technology, office machines and IT, automotive workshop technology, machine and system technology as well as catering and canteen kitchen technology, and a wide range of financing models from an investment volume of 1000 €.
Nazovite: +49 2553 - 7220 100
Faks: +49 2553 - 7220 200
Ovdje možete brzo i jednostavno izračunati mjesečnu stopu najma koju plaćate za planiranu kupoprodajnu vrijednost.
Minimalni iznos iznajmljivanja je 1000,00 EUR