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Наші вакуумні пакувальні машини – це технології майбутнього в сфері громадського харчування. Найсучасніша технологія дозволяє герметично запакувати продукти та зберегти їх найвищу якість.
Подаруйте Вашому фуршету вишукану елегантність з нашою інноваційною високоякісною серією фуршетів "Belfast". Поєднуйте стиль та функціональність задля вишуканих презентацій.
Наші винні шафи поєднують в собі елегантність та високу якість, забезпечують точний контроль температури та додають стильні акценти. Ідеально підходять для поціновувачів вина та гастрономії.
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Fabrications sur mesure pour les exigences les plus élevées. Découvrez notre qualité !
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Shop safely with the market leader
Steady growth and a turnover of over € 300 million in 2020 speak for our success as a pioneer in the online gastronomy trade. As a medium-sized family business, we attach great importance to down-to-earthness, reliability and the best service for our customers.
In the GGM Gastro network, more than 500 employees work energetically for the satisfaction of our customers. This is the only way we can offer products of the highest quality at fair prices with a low price guarantee.
Constantly tested quality and certified safety standards make our products not only durable, but also guarantee you reliability in your everyday business.
We have already supplied over 1 million customers worldwide in the gastronomy, hotel, catering, retail, butchery and medical sectors with a 99% customer satisfaction rate. GGM Gastro is your strong partner for your next project!
International logistics network
More than 12,000 different products are available for immediate delivery. Our international logistics network delivers the order safely and conveniently to your desired location. Have you already seen the GGM trucks and airplanes?
On 120,000 square meters of warehouse space we have the possibility to store numerous products of our large assortment. This way we can ship products to you within 24 hours within Germany.
Gastronomy from A to Z
From dessert forks and restaurant furniture to high-tech combi steamers, you can find everything conveniently online or in one of our Europe-wide showrooms. You couldn't find the product you were looking for? Then contact us!
We are always trying to find the newest trends and innovations in the market and provide you with the best equipment for the gastronomy and hotel industry at any time.
Our company in the press & TV
We would be pleased to help you by phone.